Sunday Night (13) – Pray that God will lead our pastor and other church leaders to be prepared to preach or teach the Word of God. Help them to encourage others to thirst and hunger for the things of God. Let them truly be oracles of God.
Monday (14) – Pray that God will rise up intercessors and prayer warriors to defeat the enemy. Help me to be one of those warriors.
Tuesday (15) – Pray for cleansing of your body that will be an acceptable temple of God, one that is pleasing to Him, and glorifies Him daily.
Wednesday (16) – Pray that the church will be a hospital, refuge, ad a soul – winning station.
Thursday (17) – Pray for physical and spiritual healing of everyone who comes inside of the church or calls this church their home.
Friday (18) – Pray that God will strengthen every marriage in the church. Pray a hedge of protection around each family. Set guardian angles around about them; let them walk in unity, not allowing the enemy to destroy what God mean for good.