Posted on Jan 13, 2019 by FCBCAdmin in BLOG, Devotions, HomePage, Newsletter, Sermons & Blogs, Today, Uncategorized |
2019 Flat Creek Baptist Church
Prayer of Unity and Strength
Sunday Night (7): We pray for the youth and the children that they will be encouraged and fed. Protect them at all times and let them understand and live in your Word daily.
Monday (8): Pray for the wisdom and discernment for yourself that you will not be misled or deceived by others. Pray for the leaders of the church to have discernment and to live by the fruit of the spirit.
Tuesday (9); Pray for every church member to be clothed in righteousness and to flee from selfish desires. Let every member sanctify themselves in the presence of God.
Wednesday (10): Pray for yourself and others to look for the opportunities to witness and be Christ-like to others in the community. Look for opportunities everyday to invite someone to church.
Thursday (11): Pray that this church will be the best and the most loving church anywhere. Pray that all members will display a smile, gentleness, and a genuine love that only comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Friday (12): Pray that all members will refrain from legalism, will foster liberty, and maintain a heart-felt worship.
(Next weeks Prayer of Unity will be uploaded Sunday by 12:00 pm.)
Posted on Jan 6, 2019 by FCBCAdmin in BLOG, Devotions, HomePage, Newsletter, Sermons & Blogs, Today, Tomorrow, Uncategorized, Yesterday |
Sunday Night: (1) Pray for God’s overall blessing upon this church and allow others in the community see the glory of God and realize this is a real church with real people who really cares about them.
Monday: (2) Pray for the leaders of the church that they may be vessels of Gold or Silver for the “Master’s Use”. Pray that they will work with their organizations and complete everything they are entrusted to do.
Tuesday: (3) Pray for yourself that you will be a blessing to others , removing any negative barrier that will cause others to fall or be discourage.
Wednesday: (4) Pray for the unity in the body of Christ that everything will be done for the glory of God.
Thursday: (5) Pray for new outreach and renewed dedication of church members to have the heart of God and seek ways to bring a salvation message to others.
Friday: (6) Pray for new outreach and renewed dedication of church members to have the heart of God and seek ways to bring a salvation message to others.
New Blogs for the week will be updated every Sunday by 12:00pm!
Posted on Sep 9, 2018 by FCBCAdmin in BLOG, Devotions, HomePage, Newsletter, Sermons & Blogs, Today |
You’re Invited!
Friends & Family Day
Sunday, September 23rd, 2018
Time: 10:15am
Following our Evening Celebration:
141st Church Anniversary!
Sunday, September 23,2018
Time: 4:00pm
Guest Speaker:
Pastor Gloria Q. Bracey Of Fellowship Church of God
446 Chaney Grove Road, Timmonsville SC 29161
At Flat Creek Baptist Church,
1369 Society Hill Road, Darlington, SC 29532
Rev. Dr. John L. Williams, Pastor
For more information, Contact Sis. Shirley Sawyer, (Anniversary Committee Chairperson) at 843-393-3800 or 843-395-2162.
Posted on Aug 19, 2018 by FCBCAdmin in BLOG, Devotions, HomePage, Newsletter, Sermons & Blogs, Today |
The Church Anniversary Committee will be selling T-Shirts for Church Anniversary Friends / Family Day.
The Chur ch T-Shirts are Black with White Writing.
Youth: $10.00
Adult Small – Adult 2x: $14.00
Adult 3x – Larger : $17.00
Please see Sis. Tiffany Bridges or Sis. Shirley Sawyer for more Details.